thanks maan
pretty cool
dont lie to yourself i made this in a day
woah, that's really well made! love the drop :)
Thanks for the feedback! :D
woahhh, this is so cool! as always :) I didn't even notice the song ending, the 3 minutes of it felt like 30 seconds. the art is cute as well. also, happy birthday, man. wish you all the best in the future!! :P
That's great to hear. It's a little loopy/jammy. I like the way it turned out so far. I could see working further on it.
there's absolutely no song structure... sounds really weird but it's ok I guess.
i destroyed many notes , ik , later i want make better song
Actually 8,763 hours and 59 minutes :) Great atmospheric song! How are you so good at this?! Wish I was as good :) EDIT: I see, thanks so much! Happy New Year, by the way :P
Close enough, haha. The tilde mark denotes approximation. :P
Depends on what calendar and type of year: Leap, sidereal, etc.
Pff...time is an illusion anyway, right?
Good? Maaaaybe, I dunno.
How? Practice, I 'spose. A sacrifice of my time and social life to the cosmos and audio. More practice too -- flexin' the 'ol brain muscle with learnin'!
You ain't gotta wish! Just gotta do. Even if you're like me and think of yourself as sentient garbage. Just keep at it, whittle away at different things and experiment. Little songs, big songs. Shit songs, good songs. You grow with each piece. I always try to impress or satisfy my own general mood and sense of taste first and foremost. If I can wrap others up in that, then awesome! I started with no knowledge and taught myself. Your will, interest and passion can get you far, I'd like to think! Trust them ears.
AWESOME :D also, cool ending lol
Joined on 8/21/20